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Fact-Checking Policy

At HistoryAssist, we are committed to publishing accurate and reliable historical content. Our dedication to fact-checking is fundamental to maintaining the trust and credibility of our audience. Below is our comprehensive fact-checking policy:

Accuracy and Verification

a) We prioritize accuracy in all our content. Our team rigorously investigates claims, questions assumptions, and challenges conventional wisdom to ensure the highest level of accuracy.

b) We aim for due accuracy, meaning our content is well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We strive to be honest and transparent about what we don’t know and avoid speculation.

c) Our journalists never deliberately plagiarize or distort facts or context, including visual information.

d) We seek independent verification from multiple sources to confirm claims, information, and allegations, especially those made by public officials or individuals with agendas beyond merely reporting the truth. Claims and material facts that cannot be corroborated are appropriately attributed.

Corrections and Updates

a) If we discover an error, we promptly correct the information. We do not knowingly mislead our audience or distort facts. Serious factual errors are corrected quickly, clearly, and appropriately.

b) We provide a ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story to allow the public to report inaccuracies or errors in our reporting.

Editorial Review

a) Our journalists are responsible for reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. All stories are reviewed by one or more editors. The level of editorial review depends on the complexity, sensitivity, and urgency of the story.

Correction Policies

While HistoryAssist strives for excellence and accuracy, we acknowledge that errors may occur. When mistakes happen, we take responsibility for correcting them and maintaining transparency. The following steps outline our correction process:


For any corrections, please email with the story link and details of the correction.

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