One of Ghengis Khan’s descendants wouldn’t marry a man unless he could beat her in a wrestling match.

Have you ever heard of a princess who wrestled her suitors to prove her worth? Meet Khutulun, the Mongolian princess who turned heads with her extraordinary strength and courage. Born in the 1260s into the famous Borjigin family, she was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. Unlike typical princesses, Khutulun demanded respect not through royal decrees but through sheer physical prowess and military skill.

One of Ghengis Khan’s descendants wouldn’t marry a man unless he could beat her in a wrestling match.

The Early Life of Khutulun

A Favored Daughter Among Many Sons

Khutulun was not just another child in a large family. She stood out among her 14 brothers, earning her father’s favor. Why? Because she was an exceptional warrior, often outshining her brothers in various physical and combat skills.

Growing Up in a Warrior Household

Imagine growing up in a household full of testosterone, where wrestling and combat were daily activities. This was Khutulun’s life. Surrounded by strong male figures, she developed a competitive spirit and unmatched strength that later became her trademark.

Khutulun’s Military Prowess

Training with Her Brothers

Khutulun’s training began at a young age. She learned the art of wrestling, horseback riding, and archery alongside her brothers. This rigorous training not only honed her physical abilities but also instilled in her a deep sense of discipline and strategy.

Battles and Victories

Khutulun wasn’t just a home-grown talent; she proved her mettle on the battlefield. Her military campaigns and victories were numerous, and she quickly gained a reputation as one of the best female warriors of her time. Her combat skills and bravery were unmatched, making her a key figure in her father’s army.

The Wrestling Challenge

The Unusual Marriage Condition

Khutulun’s wrestling prowess became legendary when she declared that she would only marry a man who could defeat her in a wrestling match. This bold declaration wasn’t just about finding a worthy suitor; it was a testament to her confidence and strength.

The High Stakes of Khutulun’s Matches

The stakes were high in these matches. If a suitor lost, he had to give Khutulun 100 horses. If he won, he could marry her. This challenge attracted many suitors, but none could best her. Once, a suitor wagered 1,000 horses, and despite being pressured to let him win, Khutulun emerged victorious, adding to her already impressive herd of horses.

A Princess with 10,000 Horses

The Legend of the 1,000 Horses

The story of the 1,000 horses wager is one of the most famous tales about Khutulun. It highlights her determination and refusal to be outdone, even when pressured to lose on purpose. This match alone significantly boosted her wealth and reputation.

Accumulating Wealth Through Victory

By the end of her life, Khutulun reportedly had 10,000 horses. While this number is likely an exaggeration, it underscores her success and the immense wealth she accumulated through her victories. Each match she won not only brought her closer to her ideal partner but also added to her impressive collection of horses.

Khutulun had accumulated 10,000 horses

Khutulun’s Influence and Legacy

Marco Polo’s Accounts

Even the famous traveler Marco Polo took note of Khutulun’s remarkable story. His accounts of her life brought her legend to the wider world, showcasing her as a symbol of female strength and independence. Polo’s writings helped cement her place in history as one of the most formidable female warriors ever.

Portrayal in Modern Media

Khutulun’s story has transcended time, finding its way into modern media. The Netflix series “Marco Polo” features her character, highlighting her unique traits and incredible story. This portrayal has introduced her to a new generation, inspiring many with her tale of strength and defiance.


Khutulun’s story is a testament to her incredible strength, both physical and mental. She broke societal norms, challenged gender roles, and left an indelible mark on history. Her legacy lives on as a symbol of female empowerment and resilience. Whether through her military prowess or her legendary wrestling matches, Khutulun proved that she was a force to be reckoned with, a true warrior princess.

Khutulun had accumulated 10,000 horses


1. Who was Khutulun?

Khutulun was a Mongolian princess, a descendant of Genghis Khan, known for her exceptional strength and wrestling skills. She was born in the 1260s and became famous for her unique marriage condition that required suitors to defeat her in wrestling.

2. How many horses did Khutulun have?

According to legend, Khutulun had accumulated 10,000 horses by the end of her life, though this number is likely an exaggeration.

3. Why did Khutulun challenge her suitors to wrestling matches?

Khutulun’s wrestling challenge was a way to ensure she married a man who was her equal in strength and skill. It also showcased her confidence and independence.

4. Did Khutulun ever get married?

Yes, Khutulun eventually got married, but the details of her marriage are less documented. It is said she did not wrestle her husband, likely to avoid him losing to her.

5. How is Khutulun remembered today?

Khutulun is remembered as a symbol of female strength and empowerment. Her story has been popularized through historical accounts and modern media, such as the Netflix series “Marco Polo.”

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