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7 Marwari Business Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

Marwari business families run many of the oldest and most successful companies in cities like Kolkata and Mumbai. If you talk about wholesale markets in clothing, jewellery, or furniture, you’ll likely find Marwari businessmen and women making a significant impact and earning impressive profits.

A Rich History of Trade

Marwaris have dominated India’s inland trade since the 16th and 17th centuries. They have successfully ventured into various sectors, from trading and manufacturing to providing services, showing their adaptability and knack for seizing opportunities.

The Birla family, for instance, has remained India’s leading business dynasty for over fifty years due to their ability to adapt and capitalize on new opportunities. Did you know Kumar Mangalam Birla, the chairman of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and the Aditya Birla Group, is the richest Marwari in India?

What Makes a Marwari Successful in Business?

Marwaris hail from Rajasthan and have been trading since the Rajput era. They built a vast network of credit and trade across colonial India through marriage and kinship ties. Their deep understanding of investing and finance, along with their ability to focus on these areas, has made Marwari businesses thrive. The structure they have built over time as a community and as traders from the desert has been a key to their success.

Marwaris are not just entrepreneurs; they are innovators and leaders who play a crucial role in India’s economy. If you’re Marwari, there’s a good chance you’re involved in your family business too.

Marwari Couple in old Days in their traditional costume

Techniques Used by Marwaris to Excel in Business

How do Marwaris consistently stay ahead in the competitive market and make profits? Here are seven secrets to their business success:

1. Hands-on Experience Over Time

Successful Marwari businesses are often not new startups but long-established family enterprises. These businesses have been passed down through generations, gaining valuable experience and knowledge over the years. They focus on strategically monitoring and investing their funds to ensure long-term profitability.

2. Have an Expansive Mindset

Marwaris view business growth as essential for success. They reinvest their profits to open more stores or establish branches beyond their hometowns. This mindset of expansion is a family trait, contributing to the success of many Marwari entrepreneurs in India.

3. The Worth of Money

Marwari families teach their children the value of money from a young age, even in financially secure households. By sharing personal stories and financial advice, they encourage their children to save and invest wisely, aiming to grow the family business and retain top employees.

4. Authority-based Delegation

Marwari households delegate economic activities to qualified professionals, overseeing key decisions and double-checking important tasks. This approach allows them to maintain control while benefiting from professional expertise.

5. Making Choices

With experience and delegation, Marwaris can make quick, informed decisions about stocks, profits, investments, and employees. Their unique style and corporate culture promote loyalty, helping the business grow and expand.

6. Style of Planning

Marwaris blend financial security with strategic spending to attract customers. They plan ahead and invest where necessary, ensuring their shops are well-organized and inviting, without unnecessary extravagance.

7. Promote a Value System

Family businesses are highly valued in Marwari culture, with children learning the ropes from a young age. Parents often involve their children in business activities, teaching them about prudent investing and money management, preparing them for future success.

Marwaris lead a conservative lifestyle but take calculated risks in business. They minimize their needs and focus on essential spending, allowing them to weather difficult times.


These are the secrets behind Marwari business success. Their willingness to take risks and their ability to adapt have led to remarkable achievements.

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Q: How do Marwaris help their children learn to do business from a very young age?

A: Marwari culture values family enterprises, with children learning business skills early on. Parents involve their children in work and teach them about investing and money management.

Q: What are the seven secrets of Marwaris that make them excel in business?

A: The seven secrets are hands-on experience over time, having an expansive mindset, realizing the worth of money, authority-based delegation, making choices, style in planning, and promoting a value system.

Q: Do Marwaris practice a long-standing tradition?

A: Yes, Marwaris are deeply connected to their roots and uphold old traditions.

Q: What communities are Marwaris and Gujaratis considered part of?

A: Marwaris are from Rajasthan, and Gujaratis are from Gujarat. Both communities are known for their honesty and industriousness in India and abroad.

Q: Why do Marwaris have such great financial success?

A: Marwaris’ success is due to their mental flexibility and their ability to incorporate attitudes, skills, and support structures effectively.

Q: Why are Marwaris wealthy?

A: Marwaris are built for business, controlling a significant portion of India’s economy. A quarter of the Forbes Indian billionaires list and 6% of the Bombay Stock Exchange’s capitalization are made up of Marwari enterprises.

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